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Inter-Module Cords for Line-Up System
Used with our newer chain-link system.
These short cords go between player boxes.
These cords have ROUND plugs with 8 pins.
These cords are custom-made to our specifications.
The molded plugs and flexible cords are designed to last a long time.
Longer Cords are Available
We do not carry these cords in anything other than 2ft and 20ft.
HOWEVER, other lengths of cords are available at this on-line source (Kraydad Cables).
Here are 2 examples of 6-ft cords that Kraydad offers:
HEAVY DUTY ($11.99 ea): Heavy-Duty 6ft Cord
STANDARD SERVICE ($8.99 ea): Standard 6ft Cord
Please visit this link for many choices:
Rules for picking 3rd-party cords for the LineUp Lockout System:
♦ DIN cords, full size (not mini-DIN) plugs
♦ 8-pin male/male (not male/female)
♦ Straight-Through wiring (1-1 2-2 3-3 etc)
♦ The DIN plugs MUST NOT BE style 262
Note: wire gauge is not important for our lockout systems (26AWG is sufficient).
“heavier wire” is probably more durable, but it is likely stiffer and a little more cumbersome.
Note: There is no limit on how long the DIN cords can be with our system.
The cords we include with new systems are 2ft and 20ft.
Shorter or longer won’t impact performance.
If you have any questions – or want to recommend additional resources – please let us know.
Ensure these cord match your system
These cords have ROUND plugs (our earlier systems had rectangular, ethernet plugs).