
Upgrade: Add Hand Button to “Trad” Box (includes button)

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $12.50.



Shipping back to you: 
detailsUsing a PO?

Add Hand Button to your Player Box!

You can add a hand-held button to your “traditional” quiz-lockout boxes.
player boxes for quiz games press button on box

Price includes:
modification of box and the hand-held button!

Your original ECM-400 player box does not have a connector for the hand-held button.

We add a connector to the back of the box (as shown).

Your new button plugs into the jack.

With this new connector, you can ring-in with the hand-held button, or ….

… you can ring-in with the box’s button (as you did before).


Less than the price of a new button!

What’s Included

What gets upgraded?
* activator jack added to player box
* if box is missing its rubber feet, new feet are installed

We also include a hand-held button with 3-foot cord – it plugs into your upgraded player box

Hand button clicker for quiz jeopardy games lockout


Determine the number of boxes you want to upgrade.

Two Different Ways to Pay
(credit card or purchase order)

Using A Credit Card:
At the top of this page, specify the number of boxes you’ll be returning.
Then process your order.

Using A Purchase Order:
If so, please see note at bottom of this page.

Sending us your Boxes
Send your boxes to us with a printout of this order!
For shipping, we recommend
* Postal Priority (for packages less than 5 pounds)
* UPS (or FedEx) Ground (for larger packages)

Our Shipping Address is listed here:

Shipping Address

Again — please include a printout of your order so we know where to send your upgraded parts!!

Any Questions??? Please call!

When you pack your player boxes, wrap them individually in something (paper towels, newspaper, etc) so that the boxes don’t knock against each other when they are shipped to us.

Special note for Purchase Orders

If you are using a school purchase order, do NOT place the order on-line.
For POs, all you need to do is include the PO paperwork in the box with your your player boxes.
We will bill your school when we send the repaired buttons back to you.