Main Box for Team Box and Vintage Chain-Linked Systems


Out of stock

SKU: CONSOLE_SC400 Category:


Replacing a malfunctioning box?
Repair service is available
Note (01-Oct-2024):
An essential component in this
product is no longer available.
Contact us for options - we'll
do everything we can to help.

Main box used with both the Team Box and Chain-Linked systems.

Capacity: 4 Teams (up to 7 players per team)
Does not include Power Pack.


Team Box System

Chain-Link “deluxe” System

Uses this type of cord between players and controller:


We provide quick and economical service for this product.
If you have a “traditional” controller that is malfunctioning, we highly recommend calling for a repair estimate.
Please click button for details.


Additional information

Weight 2.5 kg