Display for up to 4 Players – Shows Order of Ring-In!


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4 buttons     $299
4 slap-pad    $389

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Find ring-in order for up to 4 Players!

Are you looking for a system
suitable for
team competition?

Similar System for 3-4 Teams

Product Video (length 4:00)
Watch how system works


This system shows the order that 2, 3, or 4 players ring in.

The original Logitek Quiztron 3 is no longer manufactured.
We replicated this system for those who prefer that system’s function and display format.

Our custom-designed replacement gives you the functionality of the original, but with the advantage of modern, reliable electronics.

Easy to Use!

Question is Asked

Players press their activators

System sounds and the lights on the console
show the order of ring-in (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th)

Lights stay lit until system is cleared

Clear system for next question

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Ring-In Options

Option 1: Hand Button for Each Player

Press your button when you’re ready to ring-in!

Option 2: Slap-pad for each Player

The Slad Pad is great for aggressive competitions!
Very durable – strong enough to stand on!


These features make this system popular with Schools, Churches, and Clubs.
Perfect for meetings and training sessions!

Four-Player Capacity
Activator for each player
Hand Button included to clear system
20-Foot cord length

Instant Response – no delays
1/2-second Ring-In Tone
No Ties
are possible

NOT Compatible with our Tabletop Timers

The System is easy to use!
The LED matrix shows order of ring-in.
System is cleared with button on console or handheld button (shown above).

Activators plug into this panel.

no batteries computer quiz lockout feature

AC Power no batteries to change
“Stand Alone”no computer needed

What’s Included?

Items included with this system:

4 Player Activator:
Hand Buttons or Slap Pads
(includes 15-foot cord extenders)
Display Console
Hand-Held Reset Button
AC Power Adapter
<carry case>

Optional Accessories

This is a complete system
it’s ready to use as is.
However, these optional accessories may be beneficial.

Button Cord Extender (15 ft)
Button Cord Extender

Remote Pause
Remote Pause

Carry Case
Carry Case

Replacement Parts

Do you need to replace worn-out or missing parts?
Click here:  Replacement Parts

Refurbish Your System

Since this system is low-cost and made up of few parts, we do not have an overhaul option for it.
If service is needed, click here:  Service

Satisfaction Guarantee & Warranty

Satisfaction Guarantee:
Try product for up to 15 days – make sure it’s right for you.
Details:  Satisfaction Guarantee

This system comes with a two-year limited warranty (parts and labor).
Details:  Warranty


Additional information

Weight N/A

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