Prices: Basic: 3-Player $219 ♦ 4-Player $265 Basic w/ hand button: 3-Player $279 ♦ 4-Player $315 High-Visibility w/ hand button: 3-Player $309 ♦ 4-Player $355 Option: Amplifier Output: add $30 details Shipping ⇒ details details ⇐ Using a PO?
System for 3 or 4 Players
“Let’s Play Jeopardy!”
Product Video (length 3:00)
Watch how system works
Video shows system with 3 player capacity.
4-Player system is identical, but with one extra player.
Our “Game Show” System simulates knowledge and trivia games on TV.
Detects first player – perfect for recreating the excitement of popular television game shows.
Players compete by pressing their activators –
each player has a bright light to show who was first.
System has two modes: Manual and Game-Show mode.
Use the “game show mode” to prevent players from ringing in early.
See video for details.
Players press their activators
System sounds; lights at console and player’s box show who was first
The other players are locked out
First light stays lit until system is cleared.
Preparing for a TV Game Show?
Congratulations and good luck!
This system has been used to prepare for TV game shows.
Our exclusive GAMESHOW mode mimics the way the TV show work.The Jeopardy! website mentions the importance of practicing with a real lockout set.
Click here for their comments: Jeopardy Suggestions
Player Box Options
See Options in Video (1 minute)
$219 (3) ♦ $265 (4)

Basic w/ Hand Button
$279 (3) ♦ $315 (4)

High-Visibility w/ Hand Button
$309 (3) ♦ $355 (4)

Operating Modes
Mode Switch in center of panel
finds first button pressed after system is reset.
mimics TV game shows by only allowing players to “ring in” after moderator presses button.
See “product demo video” (above) for detailed description of the two modes.
Amplifier Output ($30)
Do you have a large room? Need a louder sound?
With this option, you can get a louder sound by using an external amplifier.
These features make this system popular with Schools, Churches, and Clubs:
Two Operating Modes:
* ring-in at any time
* Jeopardy! Mode (wait for moderator)
Instant Response – no delays
1/2-second Ring-In Tones
No Ties are possible
Remote hand button to start and clear system
Bright long-life lamps
Not compatible with our Tabletop Timers
Carry Case NOT Included
AC Power – no batteries to change
“Stand Alone” – no computer needed
What’s Included
* Control/Display Console
* Hand-Held Reset Button
* 15-ft Cord for each player
* Power Pack
Player Box Options
* (basic) box w/ button and light
* Basic but with added hand button
* High-Visibility box w/ hand button
(high-visibility shown)
Optional Accessories
This is a complete system –
it’s ready to use as is.
However, these optional accessories may be beneficial.
Slap Pad – $30 ea
Slap Pad
Player Cord Extender (15 ft) – $6 ea
Cable Extender
Carry Case
Carry Case
Replacement Parts
Do you need to replace worn-out or missing parts?
Click here: Replacement Parts
Refurbish Your System
Since this system is low-cost and made up of few parts, we do not have an overhaul option for it.
If service is needed, click here: Service
Satisfaction Guarantee & Warranty
Satisfaction Guarantee:
Try product for up to 15 days – make sure it’s right for you.
Details: Satisfaction Guarantee
This system comes with a two-year limited warranty (parts and labor).
Details: Warranty